Conquer Online, is giving away another 3000 free gift packs to celebrate the launch of its new expansion, Invasion of Pirates

TQ Digital with FREEMMORPG and MMO Reviews are giving away a 3000 keys more to get a gift pack to celebrate the all-new “Invasion of Pirates” expansion for Conquer Online. The new expansion introduces the swashbuckling Pirate class to the non-stop action of the game. With a slew of malicious new abilities, the new shores of Gale Shallows to explore, as well as new monsters and boss battles. Create your account today and find out what we prepare for you.

To get your Conquer Online item pack you only have to follow us on Facebook .

After that you have to register yourself and download the game from our EVENT PAGE . Then, login the game and create your character and jump to our EVENT PAGE to submit your code and character information.

Finally log into the game and grab your gift from Prize Officer in Market (185,170) to claim the pack!

Giveaway duration: until Feb. 12th, 2012

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