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Club Cooee

( Play more Free MMOs,Free social MMO games games )

Club Cooee review:

GAME TYPE: Free to play 3D Chat
PLATFORMS: Windows / Mac


Club Cooee is a social free to play MMO that allows players to meet, chat, flirt and play games with other users from all over the world in creative and fun 3D environments, ranging from dance clubs to sandy beach resorts, Club Cooee adds a unique element to the classic chat room platform. With a high range of customisation options and unique interactive chat rooms, chatting and making new friends is extremely fun.


  • Create your own personalized 3D avatar character

  • Customize your look with appearance options and clothing

  • Create your own room and decorate it to your own style and theme

  • Join public themed room such as the Quiz Room and DJ Rooms

  • Free to play game


Club Cooee takes your traditional chat room platform and turned it into an interactive 3D environment where players can move around rooms using their character, sit at tables, talk to, flirt and dance with other characters and enjoy more involved interactive features to give players things to do. Using different in game currencies players can purchase clothes, animations, emoticons, furniture and more to truly customise their character and either recreate themselves in game or reinvent themselves.


One of the biggest features of the game is how much players can personalise their characters, ranging from their own personal bio where players can view them to get a user’s public details including uploaded photo, to the design of their characters facial features, skin tone, hairstyle and more (all of which can edited at any point).

Furthermore users are able to customise and personalise themselves with a huge selection of clothes and fashion, with everything from urban street wear, smart formal dress wear to silly and unique items like wings, tails and a variety of handheld accessories. When in the various rooms players can showcase their look to other users, showing off the latest items that have come available in the shops before others get them.

Whether you like to greet people with your dance move, by performing situps or simply waving, there are numerous action animations that players can also purchase, which gives their avatar their own style. Combined with the available emoticons that users are able to display in the chat windows in whichever room they are in.


There are both public and private rooms that players can visit created by users themselves or provided by the games developers, all of which come in their own versions that are flagged as being for specific nationalities (though there are no regional restrictions as to which room you can go into).
The main public rooms all have a regional lobby and various DJ Rooms where players can enter and try their hand at being a DJ for the rest of the room, searching YouTube through the in game DJ terminal in a room players can play the video of their choice which will be aired to the room including the video being shown on the rooms jumbo screen. Alternatively users have the ability to upload their own songs from their computer, either their favourite tracks or maybe showcasing songs they have created themselves!

The Quiz Rooms are closed of rooms with podiums in the centre stage, a huge quiz screen and then surrounded by audience seating; in the room random General Knowledge questions constantly come up on the screen and players can interact with the terminals to answer the questions against other players (scoring points for correct answers but also being the quickest). Players will increase their Quiz level and can unlock rewards/

As well as public rooms players are able to create their own private habitats (albeit they can still make them open to the public). By purchasing all different furnishings, decorations and accessories from the store users can create their own ideal homes complete with chairs, beds, doors, statues, dance poles, bars, and more. Some of the more interactive items and larger rooms are restricted only to VIP customers, who pay real world cash for the privilege.


Internet Browser
Windows or Mac OS
Low Requirements and small client


Website: Club Cooee

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4 Comentarios de Club Cooee

  1. Drodd McGroggin

    How is this a review? Looks more like a cut and paste from the developers marketing material.

  2. bolfa

    super fain jocu

  3. Marko

    Well, as said above, it does not seem as a big of a review.. I am a user of Club Cooee, and I’ve been there for almost 2 year..(joined 16th of April 2010).. I wanted to put some main ideas of mine I have about Cooee, and I guess give some trustful – user related review..

    Once I’ve got on Cooee, and I have been on lots of other different places – virtual worlds, I’ve said:”wow, this does not me remind of any other place i’ve been to..what is this?”..I didn’t seem to be following the pattern of same thing happening over and over again.. Vulgarity,not much of a hostility, i saw a friendly place, with lots of people from all around the world on one place – MY DESKTOP :OO..hehe You may think I am exaggerating, but, take a look yourself and tell me I am..

    Cooee changes a lot, mostly according to user’s wishes.. By giving feedback to the Administrators of Cooee through the greatly organized and user-friendly website that has lots of different opportunities to offer, easy to navigate etc tell them how youfeel about the changes, and if you would like anything else to see in the future.. they really do their best to make it our way..

    Cooee is also a place where you can learn a lot about other cultures, pick upsome language knowledge. I have really improved my english through Cooee, have practicing Spanish along too, and Ithink I am on a great level of communicating in Spanish as well.. And also, started learning German with a Super Moderator of Cooee..

    Now, that i mentioned someone from staff, why not to talk about it as the part of the review as that is a great part of Cooee! They are chosen to be the part of Cooee for their personalitytraits, nothing else.. They are chosen for the way they communicate with others, for their activity, helpfulness, etc.. Supporters, Moderators and Super Moderators.. Once you come as a newbie, there would lways be a Supporter around there somewhere that would guide you and help you out, just so you start off well!

    I hope this has helped out for those seeking a review-like post.. I hope to see you out there in Cooee!

  4. 666luzifer666

    Club cooee moderators are abusive, ban users without reson. u spend a lot of money, for VIP and itens and they take your acount without reason. i can prove

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