Black Gold Online announces its innovative monetization model

Snail Games has announced the innovative monetization model of its steampunk themed MMORPG  Black Gold Online, offering players an optional completely optional "Save Mode" called "Optimal Time-Based File Save Model" which will keep your in-game progression.

This feature will allow players to select a timeframe: every 1 / 2 / 4 / 6 Hour(s) for automatically saving their progress, showing all materials and equipment looted in that specific timeframe and allowing players to pay (using real-life cash) for them if you want to keem them. You only have to pay for rare materials and high level equipments; basic materials and equipments can be looted immediately without purchase and player progression in terms of experience and PvP rank for example, will remain even if you do not pay for the save.

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"We're focusing on giving our players choices when it comes to their gameplay experiences - they decide what premium items to pay for and whether a play session is worth saving," said Shi Hai, Founder and Chairman, Snail Games. "We decided to introduce an innovative monetization model based on player habits and overall gameplay time. Unlike a micro transaction model requiring the player to frequently shop for items, or a subscription-based model where players pay a monthly service, our model allows players to dictate their own gameplay progression."

Source of information: Snail Games press release


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