Become a God in Skyforge

Skyforge - Exclusive - EN

At this year’s Gamescom, we leaped at the opportunity to check out Skyforge, so it’s high time to share our experience with you.
We were also able to record some gameplay footage of this gorgeous upcoming MMORPG with unique mechanics and action combat, which is currently in developement by Obsidian.

The developer team of Allods Online is also the team behind Skyforge, for which they have developed a new version of the Allods graphic engine, resulting in a massive enhancement, as we may assure you.

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So, let's get into detail. We were pretty excited to get our hands on Skyforge, which had already piqued our interest even before Gamescom. As we reached the location before the presentation started, we had some time to play it on our own and at a glance we could tell the graphics were gorgeous with highly detailed visual effects and the animations and FPS rate are up to par.

Soon after starting fiddling around, we were joined by a developer who introduced us to the functioning of the basic combat as well as the ability of switching from action combat mode to target mode by locking an enemy. He also gave us an explanation of how the combo system works, which provides players with a large variety of attacks while keeping the learning curve gentle.

He then introduced us to the ascension atlas, a giant talent tree at its core with all the game’s classes in it. Players only have to level up their character once and may switch between classes at any given time. They will gain points while playing, which can then be spent on those talents in order to unlock new classes or boost already available one and also to gain access to new skills.

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When the presentation began, we got to see more of the game’s features, levelling up, for instance. Instead of forcing players to visit a town in order to pick up quests, quests are automatically activated when players navigate into their influence area, therefore working rather like dynamics events, which allows players to always be occupied with something useful despite of not picking up all the quests.

You will start your journey as a demigod and will turn into a god upon reaching a certain amount of points, which triggers an immediate change of your character’s appearance and skills set and will instantly make you larger in size. You will then be able to unleash hell on your foes, which won’t be restricted to a limited period of time, although there will be certain limits in PvP.

Regarding the interface and overall look, the game doesn’t appear as high fantasy. Featuring some high-tech elements here and there, Skyforge also presents a nice break from all the fantasy MMO games out there.

Check out some gameplay footage right here. And in case you’re interested in finding out more about Skyforge, just activate the INFO button below.

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