Battle of the Immortals has released its expansion Shifting Tides

Perfect World Entertainment Inc. has released the newest expansion of Battle of the Immortals, Shifting Tides. This expansion continues the saga in which you have to prevent the total annihilation of the world Motenia. The Goddesses of Fate have located the source of a new power which will reinforce the defenses of the world, and players must find it in a perilous journey.

Shifting Tides brings interesting innovations, as new areas, 100 new levels, terrible enemies, a new PvP arena, amongst others.

"Our players have been asking for more content, and we're happy to give it to them with this latest update," said Battle of the Immortals Product Manager Thang Phan. "With a slew of new content and instances like the Endless Stairs, players will not only need to hone their skills, but refine their combat strategy as well."

Source of information: Perfect World Entertaintnment press release.

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