The Assassin arrives to RaiderZ

RaiderZ - news

Perfect World Entertainment and MAIET Entertainment have released a new update for its free-to-play fantasy MMORPG RaiderZ, which adds a lot of interesting new content to the game including a new playable class, the fast and cunning Assassin, a more difficult and more rewarding version of the Cowen Marsh Temple of Renas dungeon, a new open PvP area called Cowen Marsh, open PvP or the possibility of having two skill sets, meaning that players can have a set for standard PvE play, and then run with a wholly different set on their PvP game.

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In addition, this update improves several aspects of the game, like for example a new 3v3 ranked guild match for Brune’s Glory Battle Arena, or a major overhaul of the Hellhound system.

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Source of information: Perfect World Entertainment, Inc. press release

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