A new update is coming for Elsword

Kill3rCombo is going to release this week the first of a three-phase update that brings improvements to skills, balances for the game, and new dungeons for the MMORPG Elsword. In addition all players will have their skill builds reset for free as part of the massive rebalancing

Elsword Awakened brings new skills that will make the PvP more strategic, and the PvE content smoother and more fun. PvP fans will discover that their characters will have new combos and titles, PvP, and the matching system has also been improved. The PvE fans will also enjoy several enhancements that will make its game experience more immersive. The two remaining phases of "Elsword Awakened" arrive in September, bringing new content and enhancements.

Source of information: Kill3rCombo press release

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